
Media owner:



Grass Platz 1, 6973 Höchst, Austria


+43 5576 90606 1000


+43 5576 90606 1562


[email protected]




Objects clause:

Development, manufacture and sale of functional furniture fittings and assembly aids for industrial and trade kitchen and furniture construction.

Ownership Structure:

Wholly-owned subsidiary of Würth International AG, Chur (Switzerland)

Commercial registration number:

FN 69397 f

Commercial register court:

Regional Court Feldkirch HRB 2933

VAT number:

ATU 36741200

WEEE reg. no.:

DE 63462101 

Editorial policy:

Information about products and services offered by the company as well as promoting sales thereof.

Legal terms and conditions

1. Limitation of liability


This website has been created and is updated with the utmost care. However, Grass does not accept any liability for the correctness, completeness and currency of the contents provided.Users making use of the available content do so at their own risk. We reserve the right to change, update or close our website at any time without prior notice.


This website contains links to other websites by third parties. The liability for those internet pages lies with the respective operators of the sites. Grass has no influence on the design and contents of those linked pages. Therefore Grass explicitly distances itself from any illegal contents or contents of those pages that are contra bonos mores. Links to these pages are only there for information purposes and we are not responsible for their content.The liability for any illegal, erroneous or incomplete contents as well as for defects lies exclusively with the operator of the linked page.

The use of our internet site does not constitute a contractual relationship of any kind between the user and Grass. The information on this website is of a general nature and is only intended to present our products and services to interested users of the internet. We do not accept any responsibility for decisions taken by users on the basis of the said information. The Grass website cannot replace individual advice for each individual case.


If, in spite of the foregoing notes, the use of the website leads to a contractual relationship, the following limitation of liability applies: Grass will be liable in case of intent and gross negligence as well as for breaching an essential contractual obligation (cardinal obligation). The onus of proof of intent and gross negligence is with the user. Should Grass or its legal representatives or vicarious agents act with slight negligence in breaching a cardinal duty, the resulting liability is limited to the damage foreseeable for this type of contract at the time of conclusion. Grass will not be liable in case of slightly negligent breaches to secondary obligations that are not cardinal obligations. Liability for damage such as loss of life and injury to body and health remains unaffected.



2. Copyright


All contents and objects published on the Grass website, including all parts thereof, such as texts and pictures, are protected by copyright. Any type of use (e.g. reproduction, editing, translating, processing or storing of contents in databases or other electronic media) outside the Austrian copyright is only permitted with prior consent in writing. It is not permitted to pass on the contents to a third party in consideration of payment.


We agree to links to the Grass website. Representation in external frames is only permitted with express permission to do so.